Refund and Returns

At our company, our ultimate goal is the complete satisfaction of all our customers.

We take immense pride in the superior quality of our products, which is ensured through quality control measures. To further enhance your peace of mind, we have implemented an inclusive 30-day return policy for each order. Feel confident in your purchases and relish a delightful shopping experience.

Return Approval: To be eligible for return, refund, or exchange within 30 days of receipt, items must adhere to the following criteria:
Products come in different specifications.
Products come in damaged by the manufacturer or shipping carrier.

If your case does not fall within these parameters, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] for immediate assistance.

Return Process:
To initiate a return, kindly follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Reach out to us at [email protected], providing your order number, along with real photos or a video of the items, and a clear explanation of the reason for returning them.
Step 2: Our dedicated customer service team will carefully evaluate your request and offer assistance in obtaining a free return label.
Step 3: Once you have received the return label, simply print it out and securely pack the items in their original condition, ensuring that all labels are intact.

Please note that the items must be returned in their original condition, with all labels attached.

Refund or Exchange Process:

For orders placed within the last 48 hours:
Step 1: Get in touch with us at [email protected], providing your order number and stating the reason for your refund or exchange request.
Step 2: Our team will guide and support you in processing the refund or facilitating the exchange.

Please note: It generally takes 2-5 days to produce most items (with additional time required for shoes or customized bags), followed by a shipping period of 7-10 days.

For orders received and beyond:
Step 1: Contact us at [email protected], including your order number, along with real photos or a video of the items, and a clear explanation of the reason for your refund or exchange.
Step 2: Our customer service team will evaluate your request and assist with your preferences.

Additional notes: All returns must be authorized by our Support Center team. Please reach out to us immediately if there are any issues or concerns.